Sri Kalyani Dhamma School is conducting Sinhala and English medium classes for all grades via ZOOM.
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Sri Kalyani Dhamma School (SKDS) was started in 1953 with the guidance of the then chief incumbent of the Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya Most Ven. Dr. Thalewela Wijita Dhammarakkhita Thera. At that time, Ven. Wattala Siaratana Mahathera who was residing at Kelaniya Temple worked with Mr. T. A. Kamal Wellaboda, the then principal of Kelani Vidyalaya to start the Dhamma School with thirty children.
In 1971, due the situation of political turmoil in the country, it was difficult to continue the work of the school. Again in 1973, Mr. E.M.K. Rathnayake re-started SKDS with the guidance of the Most Ven. Dr. Thalewela Wijita Dhammarakkhita Thera. In 1974, it was decided to locate the SKDS in the premises of the Kelaniya Temple to facilitate the students to learn the Dhamma ad related disciplines and train in morality under the shade of the Triple Gem.
With the dawn of a new era of the history of the Kelaniya Temple when the present High Priest, Most Ven. Professor Kollupitiye Mahinda Sangharakkhita Maha thera undertook the Chief Incumbentship, SKDS too was blessed to rejuvenate its activities and function with a new vigor and strength. There were developments at all sides and the student population increased to 3500 heads and at the moment SKDS has a tutorial staff of 100 teachers. The classes are conducted both in Sinhala and English mediums.
Students participate not only in studies but many extra curricular activities to develop their skills in the fields of arts, music, media, organizing and management skills. For prefects there is a special seminar every year aiming at the development of their leadership and management skills. SKDS also organizes study tours and meditation and sil observing programs for the spiritual well-being of students.
In January every year SKDS welcomes new students in a celebrative mood. In April, students enthusiastically participate in celebrating the traditional Sinhala and Tamil new year. At the end of each academic year SKDS holds its annual prize giving admiring the achievements of the students.

Most Ven. Dr. Deniyaye Pannaloka Buddarakkitha Thera
At present, the principal of Sri Kalyani Dhamma School is Ven. Dr. Deniyaye Pannaloka Buddharakkhita Thera who is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Pali and Buddhist studies in University of Kelaniya.